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Alex Thiersch

Alex Thiersch Profile Photo

Founder and CEO of AmSpa

Alex R. Thiersch’s entrepreneurial spirit has helped him create his own path in business and health care. While building his legal practice in business and employment law, Alex identified a specific need for legal compliance education in the aesthetic market. He founded the American Med Spa Association (AmSpa), a trade group that provides legal and business resources for medical spas and medical aesthetic practices throughout the United States. With over 3,000 members, AmSpa is one of the fastest growing and most sought-after resources in the aesthetic industry, and its website receives over 30,000 visits a month.

April 24, 2024

The Current & Future State of the Medical Spa Business with Alex Thiersch

Live from the 2024 Medical Spa Show in Las Vegas, AmSpa founder and CEO Alex Thiersch shares fresh insights on the rapid growth of the industry and an exclusive preview of their upcoming State of the Industry Report.  Twelve years ago, Alex’s work as...
Guest: Alex Thiersch